Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Marriner James 9 Months

1 month


2 months


3 months


4 months


5 months


6 months


7 months


8 months

004 (2)

9 months


Marriner at 9 months can crawl though he still prefers the army crawl.  He can pull himself up on anything and likes to try and climb the stairs.  He loves standing and will get into anything he can. He has two teeth on bottom and still loves to nurse, luckily for me he isn’t a bitter.  He loves to copy the sounds that anyone makes and he is pretty good at it too.  He also loves FOOD and will beg any food off of anyone, and since he is baby #5 with a lot of older siblings who like to be helpful, Marriner has pretty much had all of the taboo foods (stuff your not suppose to feed them until after they’re one) before he was even 9 months.  (except shellfish) He especially loves chocolate & milk.  He also is my first baby who actually prefers me over Cameron.  He is also our first child with brown hair and brown eyes.  We sure feel grateful for our little Marriner.

Some Blueberry pancake love


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness he is so cute!!! It almost makes me want another one...almost! And I love your new flooring!
