Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat!


These pics crack me up.  As you can see we had a great Halloween this year!  We didn’t discover until it was time to go get the candy that we no longer had our Halloween buckets, luckily my mom had made the kids all a Halloween pillowcase so we used those instead.  The kids were thrilled, probably because they had visions of filling the thing to the top.  That didn’t happen Winking smile


Friday, October 25, 2013

Southam #7 is a BOY!!

To tell the kids what we were going to have a wrapped up a big box and filled it with blue helium balloons so when they opened it the balloons all came out.  At least that was the theory the execution didn’t go as well, some of the balloons got stuck in the box, but it was still cute. 



This little dude had his face smashed up against the placenta the whole time so we didn’t get a profile pic of him.  Actually we got really lame pics of him.  I was totally disappointed with the doctor who did my ultrasound, he did it very fast hardly pausing to look at anything for very long.  I think the whole thing lasted maybe 10 min.  I know that is not normal since I’ve had a kid or two.  It still irritates me when I think about it.

baby#7 001

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall Soccer 2013

Yep they played but I can't find any pictures except this one of Aftyn’s team.  They all had great seasons this year as always very fun to watch them!  With four kids playing it made Saturdays a bit busy, but fun!!


Aftyn Soccer Pic

Monday, October 21, 2013

It’s Pumpkin Carving Time!!

We love carving pumpkins it takes a lot of time to carve 8 pumpkins but we always get one for everyone.  This year we got Xander a white one we thought that white was kind of appropriate for him.  We just carved his initials in it.  I love how all the pumpkins turned out, we always let the kids just choose their own design so they are always very unique.  But this year I forgot to get a pic of the finished pumpkins, but trust me they were great!!!


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall Pictures 2013

Last year when I took the kids pics I borrowed my BIL nice camera, as you can tell this year I didn’t.   I have a friend who has photo shop and I’m hoping she can help fix some of the lighting issues otherwise I guess I’ll borrow my BIL camera and try and to get some better shots.  BLAH!!!


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lamest Pumpkin Patch Ever!!

Yep we found it the lamest pumpkin patch maybe on the planet.  Oh well we have lots more to choose from for next year, hopefully we find a good one!



Friday, October 4, 2013

Conference Weekend and a Visit from The Dyches

We were lucky to have some of our very favorite people on the planet come and stay with us over conference weekend.  We miss these guys so much!  You are only blessed so often with friends that feel like family but for us the Dyches family is just that!  LOVE YOU GUYS!!