Friday, March 12, 2010

Stuffs Changin' Round Here

So this week I have been really feeling the need to get ready for baby #5 even though I have 8 + weeks to go. So I started by getting rid of our changing table. I sold it for $10.00 on Craigslist... I know I drive a hard bargain. Then I tried to sell our glider rocker for $15.00 but no takers. Seriously?? I thought $15.00 was a great deal now I'm trying to decided if I should re-post it for $10.00 or just give it to Goodwill. Then I purchased a dresser I'll spare you the dresser swapping saga that ensued at our house and just say that now all of the kids have their own dresser including baby Marriner (Yep, we decided on a name). So some of you have been in our home and some of you haven't but let me tell you that even though it's a 4 bedroom the fourth one is downstairs while all of the others including our is up. So really it's a 3 bedroom because I'm not about to let one of our children sleep downstairs by the front door all by themselves. So fitting 5 kids into 2 bedrooms roughly the size of nice walk-in closets has been fun. So I started moving furniture and like I said before getting rid of furniture I didn't think we really needed. So I did get everything I wanted into their bedrooms. Tanner and Marriner together in one room and the girls in the other room, the girls in a bunk bed and Aftyn in a toddler bed. So that brings me to the next big thing AFTYN in a toddler bed. She is 19 months and is actually the OLDEST (that's right I said oldest) kid we have every had still in a crib. So on Sunday we (I) decided that there is only two months before the baby gets here and that maybe we should move her to a big girl bed. So it actually hasn't been too bad once she is asleep she sleeps fine all night it's just getting her to go to sleep that's been a challenge. But last night (Thursday) was the first night that I just tucked her in and gave her a drink and left AND SHE STAYED IN BED!!! I don't know if it will continue tonight but at least I know it's possible. Now I'm wondering if it's possible to get her potty trained before the baby gets here. I have NEVER had two kids in diapers before and I'm not really looking forward to it but since Aftyn and Marriner are only going to be 21 1/2 months apart I might have to live with it until July when she turns two. So I also got all of the 0-3 month boy clothes washed and put in his dresser and put all of the boy stuff back on the crib. Next is blankets and burp clothes and moving around car seats in the car. Next month Kaylynn will turn 8 and be our first kid out of a car seat!! And it's a good thing because I'm not sure 5 car seats were meant to fit in a minivan. Tanner is so excited to move to a booster seat and sit in the back with the girls. And on a totally unrelated random note WE BOUGHT A NEW COMPUTER!! I can't wait for it to be here. So that is a few of the happenings around the Southams this week but not all even though I'm sure it felt like a told you our life story I did leave parts of it out :)


  1. Excuse me?! Kaylynn is going to be 8!!!!??? How did this happen? When we met you she wasn't even three yet! Time sure goes fast, and I sure used a lot of exclamation points just then. Anyway, we have really missed you guys and your cute family. Also, I really like the name Marriner. Who even watches baseball anyway? Not me. We used "Link" even though every one and their mother asks us if we're big "Zelda" fans. The answer to that is, no. No we're not, but thank you for thinking that I would name my child after a video game. Good luck with the new Baby! Hopefully we will see you sometime this summer! Miss ya! (there I go with the exclamation points again...)!!!!!!

  2. WOW, you are nesting big time! I hope you get it all done all feel settled before Marriner arrives. And I love that name! Great choice!
