Tanner was born on April 9th a lovely Sunday afternoon. If you read the post about Paytyn’s birth you know that she was so easy and painless, well the opposite was true with Tanner’s birth. It was by far the most physically painful thing I have EVER experienced. I don’t know if I was making up for Paytyn’s birth being so easy or what, but I really can’t describe how horrible Tanner’s birth was. He was born FAST and without any pain meds. But we can look back on it now and laugh because I had Cameron in a headlock as this huge nurse was trying to hold me down screaming in my face “DON’T PUSH, DON’T PUSH” because the doctor wasn’t there. And when they finally told me to push I kept telling them I didn’t think that was a very good idea. It was all very dramatic, very painful but thankfully over very, very quickly. Sometime I’ll have to share the whole story it is kind of hilarious.
This year the kids all get to pick a place to go and eat for their birthday. So on the way to school I asked Tanner where he wanted to go that night for dinner. He said “I wanna go to that froggy place!” Both of the big girls looked at him really strangely and said “WHERE?? There isn’t a froggy place” Tanner kept insisting that he wanted to go to the frog restaurant. The girls kept trying to guess what he was talking about it was so hilarious. Finally I had pity on them all and said “you mean I Hop” Tanner responded with a resounding “YES! I HOP!!” So that is where we went to dinner for Tanner’s birthday. The froggy place!
He also wanted a monster cake for his birthday, I found this one at Bakerella. She of course used cake pops for the eyeballs but I just used large marshmallows. It was really, really easy to make, and pretty fast to put together plus he thought it turned out pretty great.
Tanner is a typical 6 year old boy he loves all things sports, cars, dirt, etc. Tanner is also very kind hearted, he is a strong protector of his sisters and family. Tanner loves kindergarten and is doing really well, I’ll really miss him next year when he goes to school everyday all day. We are so lucky to have such a handsome, bright, kind little boy as our son.
The cake turned out so good!